The Grand Lodge of Antient Free and Accepted Masons of Scotland
William Ramsay McGhee, MStJ, D.L., Grand Master Mason
Brethren, 2nd April 2021
A year on from the postponement and the eventual cancellation of the Abseil Event at the Forth Bridge the final amount raised by brethren and friends was collated with Prostate Scotland at the end of last week. The final figures were reported to the Zoom meeting of the Benevolence and Care Committee of Grand Lodge yesterday morning. Bro. J.M. Marcus Humphrey of Dinnet PGMM and Chairman of Benevolence and Care Committee chaired the meeting and Bro. W. Ramsay McGhee, MWGMM was in attendance along with the other members of the committee, all members of the committee join in thanking you and congratulating you on your tremendous fundraising effort.
The fantastic news is that the final amount raised was £33,428. This was raised by 33 brethren and 1 lady representing 27 provinces from the length and breadth of Scotland.
What an absolutely phenomenal effort by all the those who registered to take part in the event! Thank you to all your supporters who allowed their sponsorship to become a donation and enabled this fantastic amount to be raised to support Prostate Scotland the Nominated Charity of The Grand Lodge of Scotland.
By now you should have received a letter of thanks and your fundraising certificate direct from Prostate Scotland, if you have not received this please let me know.
Times have been very difficult for all charities due to the pandemic which means that you all deserve a very special
for your support which allowed Prostate Scotland to continue progressing its work with men with prostate disease and the provision of support for their families despite all the difficulties. It has been a pleasure working with you and I hope we can all work together again in the future once circumstances permit a return to normal. Well done everyone, you have made a difference to many lives.
Yours aithfully