
James Berry

Provincial Grand Master

When Frank Lyon resigned in May 1888, James Berry was unanimously and by common acclaim, chosen as the next Provincial Grand Master. The Grand Master, Colonel Archibald Campbell of Blytheswood installed him in the Thistle Hall on the 24th October 1888. Twice he tried to retire at the end of each of his 5-year terms, but such was the respect he had throughout the Province that he was re-elected in 1893 and again in 1898.

In total he served 13 years as Provincial Grand Master. Finally retiring in 1901 due to failing health and advancing years. He died in 1904. In looking through the minutes for this period, I really admire this man’s dedication, commitment and devotion to the numerous duties he undertook during his long involvement and association with the Provincial Grand Lodge, James Berry, in my opinion is unequalled, he towers above all other Provincial Grand Masters, before and, indeed after him, and I believe this opinion holds true right up to this present day. During his earlier term as Depute Provincial Grand Master, under Francis Bowes Lyon, and then during his actual term as Provincial Grand Master he presided over some very big events in Dundee and Angus during the later part of the 19th Century.

The industrial revolution was changing the world. These were the days of Empire when British trade, commerce and influence spanned the world. Dundee was reaching the height of its Industrial power, prosperity and pride, Jute was now king in Dundee and the Harbour was busy and bustling. Dundee and the towns of Angus were growing rapidly new public buildings were springing up, Hospitals, Libraries, Asylums and other such places. This indeed was a busy time for the Provincial Grand Lodge. It was the age of the ‘foundation stones.’ A time when Freemasonry was a far more accepted and integral part of the local community. His early Masonic Background.

James Berry was initiated into Lodge St. Nicholas No. 93 in Aberdeen, on the 9th March 1863. Then on the 16th November 1870 he affiliated to Lodge St. David No. 78 in Dundee. During his affiliation to St David’s, for some reason, the Right Worshipful Master entered the Lodge and took forcible possession of the Charter, thus stopping the proceedings and Brother Berry had to go through the ceremonial again nine days later. On that same night of his affiliation James Berry was nominated for the position of R.W.M., the then sitting R.W.M. who had served in that office for three years was also nominated, and at the election on St. Andrew’s Night James Berry, received 27 votes against his opponents 2 votes. Brother James Grant in his History of Lodge St. David No. 78 states the Lodge was in a fairly prosperous condition, but under James Berry it enjoyed a greater degree of prosperity.

At the meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge convened for the purpose of Consecrating Lodge Broughty Castle No. 486 by the Earl of Dalhousie, P.G.M. on the 27th November 1871. James Berry made his maiden speech in Provincial Grand Lodge in moving - “That this Provincial Grand Lodge view with profound sorrow the attack of illness under which His Royal Highness, the Prince of Wales, Patron of Scottish Masonry, is labouring, and they earnestly pray that the Great Architect of the Universe may be pleased to arrest its course and restore His Royal Highness to that health which all loyal subjects and good Masons desire to see him enjoy”. James Berry’s name does not appear in Provincial Grand Lodge minutes until 17th September 1879 where he is stated to be Acting Grand Clerk and Director of Ceremonies. On the 11th December 1879 he was appointed Provincial Grand Clerk.

At the Installation of Captain George David Clayhills Henderson as Provincial Grand Master of Forfarshire on 19th August 1880 he was appointed Provincial Grand Secretary a position, which had been filled by David Small, Solicitor, Dundee, since 1854. He became Provincial Grand Junior Warden on 30th July 1883 and the following year, the members of Grand Lodge in the Province were advised to support his nomination as a member of the Grand Lodge Executive Committee on account of his long and valuable services to Masonry.

His Installation as Provincial Grand Master

On the 24th October 1888 in the Thistle Hall, Dundee he was installed into office by the Grand Master Mason of Scotland, Sir Archibald Campbell of Blytheswood, The platform party who accompanied the Grand Master Mason included: - The Right Hon. Lord Saltoun, Senior Grand Warden, David Murray Lyon, Grand Secretary, J. Dalrymple Duncan, Senior Grand Deacon, Dr. John Falconer, St. Ann’s, Proxy District Grand Master, New South Wales, Capt. Clayhills Henderson, P.P.G.M. and many others. In total about 320 Brethren attended the event. After the ceremony they had a cake and wine banquet. He commissioned the following office bearers: - James Morton Peto Campbell as Depute P.G. Master. A.D. Lowson, Arbroath, as Substitute P.G. Master. Provost Alexander. D. Anderson, Arbroath as P.G. Secretary Rev James Crabb, Brechin as P.G. Chaplain David Murison, Montrose as P.G. Senior Warden John H. Mackay, Dundee as P.G. Junior Warden

Thus began the reign of one “who had already proved himself a zealous worker on behalf of the Craft and who during his term as both Depute and ultimately Provincial Grand Master endeared himself to all with whom he came in touch. Fully qualified in the ordinary rules governing Masonry, he neither spared time nor money in securing the best results from the Lodges under his control”. James Berry was very regular in his attendance at all Provincial meetings and also in his frequent visits both officially and non-officially to the various Lodges in the Province, at many it is said ‘he gave sound advice and on many-times advised Lodges who had secured a good set of working officers, or had adopted any outstanding method of ceremonial to visit those who were struggling’. He continued the practice he had introduced while he was Depute P.G. Master, of viewing the working of the Lodge when on his official visit and on occasions made suggestions to correct procedure whether it was in the opening or closing of Lodges or in the performance of the ritual work, and then he actually showed them what he considered the proper method. James Berry began his visitations of the Lodges in the Province early January 1889 and brought to the office a vast experience in improving every part of Masonic procedure. Lodges whose Bye-laws were obsolete had them withdrawn and they were instructed to update them in accordance with the requirements of Grand Lodge. The majority of the Lodges were recommended to increase their initiating Fees to what was being charged by other Scottish Lodges, and that was from about £1 2/6 to a level of £2.2/-. Also dues to Provincial Grand Lodge of10/- per year; to give in their minute books for inspection, also the occupation and address of their Entrants, for easy identification in the future, and to refuse to sign any document coming from unauthorised sources relative to the suspension of individuals by Grand Lodge or P.G. Lodge.

Unfortunately one of the first Lodges that James Berry visited after his appointment as P.G. Master, he was forced to suspend for ‘discourtesy to the Provincial Grand Lodge and himself’. On his official visit to Lodge Dalhousie No. 679 in Carnoustie in March 1889, only 3 brethren appeared at the advertised time, neither the Master or Wardens put in an appearance at all, when a Past Master turned up an hour later, he showed a ‘want of courtesy’ to the P.G. Master, when the books were inspected he found that they had not been authenticated by signatures for over 4 years. In those circumstances the P.G. Master ‘expressed his dissatisfaction and felt himself compelled to suspend the Lodge’ but at a following meeting the members of Dalhousie turned up to apologise and the suspension was cancelled His interim Commission as Provincial Grand Master of Kincardineshire It seems that by October 1889 he was exercising authority over the four Lodges in the Province of Kincardineshire and he, along with the P.G. Secretary and Treasurer, were making trips up to Laurencekirk, Johnshaven, Stonehaven and Inverbervie to officially visit those Lodges, to inspect their books and observe their degree workings. He displayed the same dedication and devotion in his duties to the welfare of those Lodges as he did to those in Forfarshire. It is reported that Lodge St John No. 65 in Johnshaven had not had a Provincial visit for 12 years and whilst there he installed the R.W.M. Brother Murray. 1890

On the 13th January, 1890 “The standing committee of Provincial Grand Lodge unanimously recommended that the Provincial Grand Lodge request Grand Lodge to relieve James Berry of that supervision but at a meeting held on the 28th January, 1890 the Grand Secretary Bro. David Murray Lyon stated that it was the desire of Grand Lodges to see the two Provinces combined and known as the Province of Forfarshire and Kincardineshire. At this meeting the Provincial Grand Master James Berry intimated that he already held a commission from Grand Lodge appointing him Provincial Grand Master ‘AD INTERIM to superintend Kincardineshire’. However on the 29th April 1890 Grand Lodge reported the appointment of another Provincial Grand Master for Kincardineshire, namely Major W. Disney Innes. For thirty years Bro. Berry gave of his best and that of great importance to the Provincial Grand Lodge of Forfarshire as Clerk, Secretary, Depute Master and P.G.M. for two full terms and during his long service did much to improve to ceremonial. No P.G.M. had so many changes in procedure brought in force by edict of Grand Lodge and all of which he saw en-forced in such a courteous manner that merited the approval of the Brethren in the Province. During James Berry’s term as Provincial Grand Master it is noticeable that he and the Provincial Grand Lodge were becoming more and more involved with settling and judging disputes and misdemeanours committed by Lodges and Brethren, we really can see, during this period of the growing power and authority that Grand Lodge and Provincial Grand Lodge were now exerting over the Lodges. This compares to the semi autonomy and the individual control that the Lodges seemed to have over their own affairs at the start of the century and even up into the middle of the Century, by the end of the 19th Century this was indeed changing rapidly. James Berry seems to be the first Provincial Grand Master and even before that as Depute to use powers to suspend, discipline and make Lodges and Brethren conform to the growing Rules and Regulations emanating from Grand Lodge. Freemasonry was itself growing in numbers, influence and respect. At the start of the 20th century there were 26 Lodges in the Province (which included a Lodge that closed early in the 20th Century – Lodge Dunnichen No. 684 at Letham) The intrants into the Lodges for 1894 was 352, in 1895 – 337 and would continue to grow rapidly into the 20th Century.

James Berry in my opinion did, and achieved more than any of his predecessors and in my opinion, there would be no one to surpass or even equal him among his successors. The whole direction and formation of the Provincial Grand Lodge as the structure we know today are, again in my opinion due to his efforts, his dedication and his example, the foundations of the Provincial Grand Lodge we recognise today are in a great measure due to him, that is his legacy to us. But even more than that, he has left a far more valuable, noticeable and tangible legacy to the Provincial Grand Lodge, something we all see today, every time the Provincial Grand Master walks into a Lodge wearing his regalia and that is ‘the Chain and Jewel of the Provincial Grand Master.’

1899 The Provincial Grand Master's Collar and Jewel

When James Berry was elected for his third term in 1899, the Lodges and brethren of the Province, from all backgrounds, to show their high regard and respect for him contributed into a fund which would enable them to purchase and present to him a collar and jewel that would become his own, and something that he would keep after he had retired from the office of Provincial Grand Master. But James Berry delighted that the brethren of the Province had thought so highly of him, made it known, that he would prefer the collar and jewel should become, in the future, the insignia for all future Provincial Grand Masters to wear. After twelve designs, specifications and prices had been considered an order was placed with James Ramsay, Jeweller High Street Dundee. The presentation of the collar and jewel took place in Russell’s new hall, previously known as the Thistle Hall in Union Street on Wednesday 1st February 1899 and was made by the Grand Master Mason, Lord Saltoun who gave a lengthy address on the history of the Province and the unique occasion he has been asked to participate in and to present James Berry with the new collar and chain. He stated, “that Brother Berry’s services to the Craft had not been confined to the Province they were known and appreciated by Grand Lodge and more than once he had acted as his Lordships’ delegate at important Masonic functions in the Province. He had often presided over Grand Lodge and very often presided with great acceptance at meetings of Grand Committee of which he had been a member during 18 consecutive years”. Lord Saltoun also presented a handsome Silver Salver to Brother Berry for passing on to Mrs. Berry. The cost of the collar and jewel was £105 and the silver salver £21-14/-. So now today, because of this fine act by James Berry, we still have this amazing, unique collar and Jewel as a reminder of his long and distinguished term as Provincial Grand Master of Forfarshire, When one looks around at all the other Provincial Grand Masters when they parade into Grand Lodge, It has to be said that our collar is the finest Provincial Grand Master’s collar in the whole of Scotland – indeed in my opinion it has no equal among the other 31 Provinces in Scotland. (See Appendix 10 for the full information on the collar.)

James Berry Resigns as P.G. Master

Letter of resignation from James Berry to Grand Lodge “Woodlands Newport N.B. 11th September 1901 Dear Grand Secretary, It is with great regret that I beg leave to lay before you my desire to retire from the office I have so long held, of the Provincial Grand Master of Forfarshire, and to ask you to place the same before the Executive Board of the Grand Lodge of Scotland on Thursday the 19th Current The need for taking this step has been full pressed upon me by my own medical attendant, but until the same was very recently and earnestly pressed upon me by Dr D. Bramwell of Edinburgh, I was somewhat in the hope that I might have been able to continue giving my humble services to the Grand Lodge, and especially to that part of the craft in connection which I have taken active supervision for the long period of 30 years. Assuring the Grand Master and all the other office bearers of Grand Lodge, that I will always entertain the warmest interest in the affairs of the Grand Lodge of Scotland I am Yours very faithfully James Berry

In September 1901 James Berry submitted his resignation, as P.G. Master, His resignation letter indicates that he was having health problems. It is obvious from the minutes that the P.G. Lodge were surprised and very saddened by his decision to resign and they accepted it with extreme regret. At the Quarterly communication in Arbroath on the 23rd October, the Depute P.G. Master Bro the Hon Charles M. Ramsay echoed this view but “while they all regretted the step Bro Berry had been obliged to take” because of his failing health - told them “that, painful as it was – they had to accept Bro Berry’s resignation, and while doing so to convey to him their high appreciation of his services to the Masonry of the Province – they all knew how keen and active an interest Bro Berry had taken in all matters pertaining to the craft – It was now thirty-seven years since he became affiliated with St. David’s, Dundee, and for twenty-four years he had been actively connected with the Provincial Grand Lodge… he had done two full terms as Provincial Grand Master and no one could have filled the office more capably and more efficiently that Bro Berry” He begged them to move that they receive Bro Berry’s resignation and thank him heartily for the work he had done for the Province, at the same time expressing the wish that he might be long spared to be of service to the craft.

Presentation to James Berry

James Berry’s health did not improve until April of 1902, when at the quarterly meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge, held in Lodge Camperdown – “he was escorted into the P.G. Lodge by Past Masters of Lodges No. 15, 40, 47 & 49, and formally introduced by Bro Lawson Keith (Lodge No. 486), P.G. Director of Ceremonies, and was greeted with loud applause” The Provincial Grand Master Bro the Hon C. M. Ramsay then addressed Bro Berry: - “As a response to the capable manner in which Brother Berry had carried on the work of the Province during his period of office the brethren had expressed a desire to recognize his services in a tangible form, and he had to ask Brother Berry to accept from them a token of their gratitude and esteem for the manner in which he had laboured for them for many days. The presentation consisted of a very handsome silver rose bowl. The P.G. Secretary afterwards, in an appropriate speech, asked Brother Berry to accept from the Provincial Grand Lodge a pair of handsome silver candlesticks for Mrs. Berry and a beautiful silver-mounted mirror for Miss Kidd, Sister-in-law of Mr. Berry.

Brother Anderson referred to the kindness and hospitality which both ladies had shown towards Masonic brethren and to the help which each had rendered during Brother Berry’s illness.” (See Full Information in Appendix 12) Brother James Berry only presided once more over Provincial Grand Lodge and that was at the quarterly meeting of P.G. Lodge in the premises of Lodge Forfar and Kincardine in Meadow Street, Dundee. The P.G. Master the Hon Charles M. Ramsay was absent due to the death of his mother the dowager Countess of Dalhousie. A special meeting held on the 3rd August 1904, proved to be a very sad one indeed for Provincial Grand Lodge, not only did it record the death of Mrs Ramsay, the wife of the Provincial Grand Master Hon Charles M. Ramsay, and the death of the Substitute P.G. Master Brother Watt, but it also recorded, with great regret and sadness – the passing of Brother James Berry Immediate Past Provincial Grand Master of Forfarshire. So ended the story of one who must be considered one of the finest, most dedicated and conscientious Provincial Grand Master in the whole history of our Province. A very remarkable man indeed to him we owe the position of laying the foundations of the modern Provincial Grand Lodge of Forfarshire that we recognise today.

©Research by Iain D. McIntosh, 2014

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