1929 Foundation Stone of the JM Barrie Pavilion - Kirriemuir

27th April 1929 - in Kirriemuir

From the Minute Book of Provincial Grand Lodge of Forfarshire 1918-1930
Minute of the Special Meeting
Of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Forfarshire
Held within the hall of Lodge Airlie No. 286, Kirriemuir
On Saturday 27th April 1929
Brother Thomas Lyell, Provincial Grand Master Depute presided
And was accompanied by the following Provincial Grand Lodge office bearers

Bros: - Sir Torquil Munro, Sub P.G. Master
J. K. Birse and Alex Murdoch, Past P.G.S. Wardens
T.P. Drever, P.G. Secretary
Hugh H. Souter, P.G. Treasurer
J. Spence Cuthill, P.G. Chaplain
Charles Rennie, P.G. Director of Ceremonies
T. N. Kennedy, P.G. Architect
Wm Whyte, P.G. Director of Music
& John S Craig, P.G. Steward

Provincial Grand Lodge was opened in the first degree. An apology for absence on account of illness was intimated from Bro A. C. Anderson, Provincial Grand Master, and others.

Brother Lyell explained that the meeting had been called for the purpose of laying the foundation stone of the sports pavilion at Kirriemuir Hill, which had been presented to Kirriemuir by Sir J. M. Barry the distinguished novelist and playwright and the necessary instructions and directions having been given to the Provincial Grand Lodge Office Bearers, the Depute Master declared the meeting adjourned.

The brethren present were thereupon arranged in procession and proceeded to the pavilion, the foundation stone of which was laid according to ancient Masonic custom.
At the conclusion of the ceremony Brother Moir, Provost of Kirriemuir, thanked Brother Lyall, Provincial Grand Master Depute and the Provincial Grand Lodge office bearers for performing the ceremony and on behalf of Sir James Barrie he presented o Brother Lyell a silver trowel with the following inscription thereon, viz: -  

 “Presented to Thomas Lyell Esq., P.G.M. Depute.
 On the occasion
 Laying Foundation Stone of Sports Pavilion, Kirriemuir Hill
“Gifted by Sir James Barrie
“27th April 1929.”

Brother Lyell in reply expressed the pleasure, which he and the Brethren had had in performing the ceremony of laying the Foundation Stone and thanked Provost Moir most heartily for the gift of the Trowel, which he would always prize.

The National Anthem was thereupon sung after, which the procession returned to the Lodge Room of Lodge Airlie No. 286.

The meeting was resumed. The P.G.M.D. thanked the brethren for their attendance and for the assistance they had given him in laying the Foundation Stone.

Provincial Grand Lodge was thereafter closed.

(Signed)  A. J. Ramsay 


Pictures courtesy of Lodge Airlie No.286.

©Transcribed by Iain D. McIntosh, 2014

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