1904 Consecration of Lodge Progress No.967

The First 'Temperance' Lodge in Dundee

15th April 1904

From the Minute Books of Provincial Grand Lodge

Minute of Meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge of Forfarshire

Within the Camperdown Masonic Hall, Barrack Street, Dundee
On Friday 15th April 1904 at 7.15 p.m.


Brother The Honorable C. M. Ramsay presided and there was a large attendance.

Apologies for absence were reported from Brothers James Berry, I.P.P.G.M., George Watt, S.P.G.M., and Andrew Bennet, Arbroath.
P.G. Secretary read the circular calling the meeting which was held for the erection and consecration of Lodge Progress No. 967

P.G. Lodge was opened in the First Degree, passed to the Second and raised to the third Degree and the Consecration Ceremony, which was of a most impressive nature, was then proceeded with. The Rev. Brother Jobberns, P.G. Senior Chaplain, offered prayer and the Reverend Harcourt Davidson, P.G. Junior Chaplain read a passage of Scripture.

Brother Jobberns delivered an eloquent oration in the course of which he said that his first words were must be words of congratulation to the Master, Wardens and Brethren of Lodge Progress on their having reached such a happy position as to be able to ask for the consecration in due and ancient form of their Lodge.

The Masonic Order was by far the most Antient organisation in existence, and there was no civilized country in the World, whether it were Christian or not, in which Lodges of Freemasons were not to be found. The origin of Freemasonry was a subject which had occupied the attention of many learned men who had been interested in the Craft and the literature on the subject was very voluminous.

The Rev. Brother gave a most interesting sketch of the origin of the craft, and he concluded by remarking that the brethren of the youngest Forfarshire Lodge had much to be proud of.
Freemasonry had been well defined as a system of morality developed and inculcated by symbolism. All the labours and implements of operative masonry had been assigned to them in Freemasonry, appropriate meanings which enabled them to teach important moral or religious truths. They not call Freemasonry a religion, but rather a religious institution, which recognised all religious truth, but did not accept sectarian dogmas. The craft to which they belonged had a long and honorable history. Many a noble career had been made all the nobler for all that Freemasonry had been enabled to do for it. Hr hoped that there was a long and useful career in store for Lodge Progress, and that many of the brethren would go forth from the Lodge to the battle of life in Dundee or in other parts of the world with their lives and characters strengthened and ennobled.

The charter of Lodge progress was then produced to the meeting and read by the P.G. Secretary. The jewels and clothing of Lodge Progress were delivered to the P.G. Master and the R.W. Master and other office bearers were presented by the P.G. Director of Ceremonies. The Secretary of Lodge Progress read the minutes of that Lodge having reference to the appointment of the various office bearers. After the usual hymns and anthems, the P.G. Master proclaimed the Lodge. P.G. Lodge was then lowered to the First Degree. At this stage of the proceedings the P.G. Master introduced and welcomed to P.G. Lodge Brother W. Munro Denholm, Past Senior Grand Warden of Scotland, and Brother Malcolm Campbell, the Right Worshipful Master of Lodge Montefiore No. 753, Glasgow, and he asked Brother Campbell to convey to his Lodge the fraternal greetings of the P.G. Lodge of Forfarshire.
Brothers Denholm and Campbell thanked the P.G. Master for his welcome.

P.G. Master then asked the brethren if they approved of the election of the following office bearers of Lodge Progress: -

Right Worshipful Master Bro. Wm. Smith
Past Master Henry S. Hird
Depute Master J.G. McKelvie
Substitute Master James Simpson
Senior Warden J. S. Waterson
Junior Warden F.C. Bissell
Secretary R. G. Forbes
Treasurer S. M. Boyd
Chaplain Rev. George Christie B.D.
Senior Deacon W.R. Salmond
Junior Deacon G. J. McKinnes
Bible Bearer J. D. Swan
Sword Bearer W. R. Jackson
Inner Guard J. S. Lowrie
Tyler Andrew Easson

The same being approved, the P.G. Director of Ceremonies presented the Master elect of Lodge Progress for installation.
P.G. Master directed P.G. Secretary to read the various charges to the newly elected Master and after this was done, he asked the Master elect if he was willing to subscribe to them. Having been so assured, P.G. Master administered the oth and obligation in due form.

P.G. Master in placing the R.W. Master in the chair, addressed him and congratulated him on his election and wished him all success in his office and expressed the hope that he would be spared many years to rule over the brethren and maintain their confidence.

The newly elected Master was thereafter proclaimed from the East, West & South and saluted by the Brethren.
The P.G. Master called on Brother Munro Denholm to install the other office bearers who were, with the exception of the Senior Deacon and Inner Guard, who were absent, presented by the P.G. Director of Ceremonies and duly installed and invested with the insignia of their respective offices by Brother Denholm with much acceptance. The newly elected R.W. Master then installed Brother Hird as Past Master of Lodge Progress.

P.G. Master thanked Brother Denholm for the excellent way in which he had conducted the ceremony and congratulated Lodge Progress of having entered on a career of Masonic life. In the name of Grand Lodge and of Provincial Grand Lodge he expressed the hope that, that would be a long and prosperous career, and that the Lodge would establish for itself a record that would be enviable in Masonic circles. He felt confident that under the rule of Brother Smith, the Lodge would attain a very high standard of excellence and he impressed upon the office bearers and members the importance of regularity in attendance, which constitute the real test of strength of a Lodge.

 The R.W. Master thanked the P.G. Master and Brethren for their attendance, and, after thanks giving by the Rev. Brother Jobberins, P.G. Lodge was closed in due and ancient form.

©Transcribed by Iain D. McIntosh, 2014

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