1901 Installation of C.M. Ramsay as P.G.Master

1901 Installation of Charles Maule Ramsay

As Provincial Grand Master

15th November 1901

From the Minute Books of Provincial Grand Lodge

Minute of special meeting and of proceedings of PG Lodge at the Installation of the Hon C. M. Ramsay as P.G. Master of Forfarshire, prior to and within the Thistle Hall, Union Street, Dundee on Friday 15th November 1901 at 4.15 pm in terms of the following circular addressed to each office bearer and member of PG Lodge

Circular from the Provincial Grand Secretary to the Lodges

Arbroath 5th Nov 1901

RW Dear Sir and Brother
“I beg to intimate to you that a special meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Forfarshire will be held within the Thistle Hall, Union Street, Dundee, on Friday 15th Nov current at 4.15 pm prompt.

  1. To receive the MW The GMM of Scotland, Bro The Hon James Hozier, M.P. who will be accompanied by the RW PGM elect and a deputation from Grand Lodge.
  2. For the installation of the RWPGM and other office bearers of PG Lodge Brethren are requested to be in their places in the hall at least 15 mins before the above mentioned hour of meeting so that PGL may be opened and ready for the MWGMM reception.

Thereafter a banquet, at which the MWGMM and deputation from GL will be present and will be entertained by PGL, will be held within the hall of Russell’s Royal Hotel, Dundee at 6.30 pm – Tickets 5/- each

Masters of Lodges and other brethren will oblige by intimating to me, not later than Monday 11th Nov, the number of tickets required for brethren intending to be present at the banquet, since, after that date, application for tickets may not be entertained.
Do not include in your application any brethren specially invited as guests
Brethren are requested to appear in full Masonic dress.
I am

Yours faithfully and fraternally

AD Anderson – PGS of Forfarshire

The meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge.

PG lodge was opened by Bro Sprunt and under dispensation the business was conducted in the entered apprentice degree.

The Lodge received with full Masonic honours, the GMM of Scotland and deputation from Grand Lodge, amongst whom were Bro Sir Charle Dalrymple, MP of Newhalies Bart, PGM; David Reid, Grand Secretary and E A Chisolm, Grand Treasurer. Alex Wilson PGM Aberdeen City; W. J Sandford Thomson, PGM Kincardineshire; J T Cathcart yr of Pitcairlie, PGM of Fifeshire; W Scott, Grand Bible Bearer; Br Bathgate, act G Sword Bearer; David Laird, G L Officer also Bro Capt P.W. Anderson, Past PG Sub Master, Ex-Provost Ballingall; George Watt, Sheriff Clerk, John Mitchell, Dundee Courier, Rev Dr Colin Campbell; James O Sinclair, PG Secy Ayrshire; ex-Provost McCorquodale and Colhoun and others.


Apologies for the Earl of Haddington; Lord Kintore; Lord Saltoun, Lord Blythswood Past Grand Masters. Lord Glamis, The Hon Frank Bowes Lyon, Capt Clayhills Henderson, James Berry of Woodlands  Past PGM’s of Forfarshire. Sir Hector Monro Bart, PGM Ross & Cromarty; Col Lumsden of Pitcaple, PGM Aberdeenshire West; Major the Hon Hew Hamilton Dalrymple, PGM Wigton; Lt Col Charles J Johnston of Leomurdie, PGM of Elgin & Moray; Col John M Denny, MP, Garmoyle, PGM Dunbartonshire; LT Col Colin Campbell, PGM Perthshire East; Major Rbert C P Gilmour of Craigmillar PGM of Midlothian; Capt Thomas Hope of Budge Castle, PGM Linlithgowshire; John Graham esq of Broadstone, GM Depute; Capt C H Graham Stirling of Blair Castle, PGM Perthsire West; R K Stewart Esq of Murdowstown, PGM Lanarkshire; Charles T Gordon Esq of Caviness, PGM of Aberdeenshire East; W A Dinwiddie, PGM Dumfriesshire; James Middleton Esq, MD, Manor Head, Stow, PGM of Roxburghshire, Peeble & Selkirk; John Macpherson Grant Yr of Ballinballoch PGM of Invernesshire; Rev Patrick Stevenson of Inverarity, Rev Dr Colin Campbell of Dundee; John Henderson esq PGM Caithness & Orkney; Matthew Arthur of Carlung, Troon, PGM Ayrshire; A D Lowson Esq, Arbroath; Ex-Provost Christie of Stirling, PGM Stirlingshire; Adam L Gillan ESQ, PGM Banff; Dr Barron, Letham of Dunnichen.

A Visit to Newport- on- Tay before the Meeting

Earlier in the day, the Grand Master Mason the Hon James Hozier, along with Brother Charles Maule Ramsay, visited the home of the Immediate Past Provincial Grand Master Brother James Berry at his home in Newport on Tay, Fife.

Brother Berry was at this time was too frail and ill to attend the Installation of Bro Charles Maule Ramsay. They wanted to thank Brother Berry for his 11 years service as Provincial Grand Master and also to collect the new magnificent Provincial Grand Master’s Collar and Jewel which James Berry had bequeathed to the Province.

“In handing over the jewel, Bro Berry said it was offered to him by the Province originally to be his own property but he thought otherwise and received it only on the understanding that he was to hand it over to his successor, so that, when done with it, it should become the property of the Provincial Grand Lodge.

Bro the Hon C.M. Ramsay said he had to thank Bro Berry for what he had done in presenting to him, the collar of the PGM. It would be his endeavour to strive to do as much for the province of Forfarshire as he (Bro Berry) had done.
Bro the Hon James Hozier said he had been deputed by the Grand Lodge to come there and express on behalf of the Grand Lodge the feelings they had for Bro Berry for the way he had done his work in the Grand Lodge and in the Province of Forfarshire and the way in which he had made Masonry the pleasure as well as the duty of his life.

Those present from the Grand Lodge at Bro Berry’s residence included the Grand Master, Sir Charles Dalrymple, Past Grand Master; Brother John Graham of Broadstone, Depute Grand Master; The Hon C. M. Ramsay, Substitute Grand Master, Bro Denholm, Senior Grand Warden; Bro Reid, Grand Secretary; and Bro Chisolm, Grand Treasurer; Bro Sprunt P.G. Sub Master, Bro Watt, PG Sub Master elect and the PG Secretary.

©Transcribed by Iain D. McIntosh, 2014

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