The Provincial Grand Lodge of Forfarshire again met on the17th September 1879 in the Lodge room of “Ancient” Dundee No. 49. After the roll was called representatives of 21 Lodges in the Province answered to their names and two deputations from Lodge “Coupar Angus” No. 105 and Lodge “Perth Royal Arch” No. 122, both in the Province of Perthshire East, were received.
The Provincial Grand Master Lord Ramsay having opened Provincial Grand Lodge in due and ancient form intimated how pleased he was to see so large a gathering. He then proceeded to address the Brethren on the duties of the day. These were the perfecting of the request of the Directors of the Dundee Royal Asylum that Provincial Grand Lodge should lay the foundation stone of the new buildings at Westgreen, near Liff. After instructing the various Office-bearers on their respective duties, the Provincial Grand Master adjourned Provincial Grand Lodge, which along with the Master’s, Office-bearers, and members of the Lodges, proceeded by the advertised route.
They marched to the West station and took the train to Liff and then again marched to the Asylum buildings where the Provincial Grand Master, Officers and Brethren were received and conducted to the Foundation Stone by Sir John Ogilvie, Chairman of the Board of Directors.
A fine display of flags, Masonic Emblems, etc., was made by the various lodges and huge crowds viewed the procession and the ceremonial. Dean of Guild Edwards presented Lord Ramsay, Provincial Grand Master, with a silver trowel with ivory handle engraved with Masonic devices and the following inscription “Presented by Messrs. Edward and Robertson, Architects to the Right Honourable John William, Lord Ramsay, Provincial Grand Master for the County of Forfarshire on the occasion of his laying the Foundation Stone of the Dundee Royal Lunatic Asylum 17th September, 1879”.
The Provincial Grand Master, thereafter in due form well and truly laid the Foundation Stone and having suitably addressed the large gathering and reply having been made by Brother Sir John Ogilvy, the Provincial Grand Lodge returned by rail from Liff Station to Dundee, where in the premises of Lodge Ancient the Provincial Grand Lodge was closed.
Transcribed by Iain D. McIntosh, Jan 2014