(Now the Salvation Army Hostel)
On the 25th October 1855, the Provincial Grand Lodge accompanied by the various Lodges in the Province laid the foundation stone of the new Industrial School in Ward Road. Lord Panmure was not present that day, as he was in London fulfilling his duties as Secretary of State for War, during the time of the Crimean War and the Indian Mutiny.
On this occasion he delegated his duties to Brother George Duncan who was at that time M.P. for Dundee and who was, according to records a member of Lodge St. David No. 78 and also a Past Master of Lodge Ancient No. 49 (RWM 1843-1849).
Again it was a big public occasion. The Brethren met in the Thistle Hall, Union Street at 12.30 p.m. and then walked in procession along Dock Street, up Trades Lane to first of all St. Andrews Church, where a Dr. Anderson preached the sermon and conducted a service.
A collection was uplifted for the funds of the new institute, after which they again processed along Cowgate, Panmure Street to the site in Ward Road where the ceremony was conducted in true Masonic Form, Lord Kinnaird on behalf of the directors replied. (George 9th Lord Kinnaird was also a Freemason and P.G. Master of Perthshire), They again processed back to the Thistle Hall, via Ward Road, North & South Tay Street, Nethergate and Union Street.
Transcribed by Iain D. McIntosh, Jan 2014