
1536 Boiss Indenture

Dundee Town Charter Chest I, No. 48. Transcript from Registrum Episcopatus Brechinensis, Bannatyne Club 102 (1856), pp317-318

CLXXVIII "This indentit charter party maid at Dunde ye xxiii day of Merch in ye zeir of God ane thowsand fif hundreth and thretty-sex zeris proportis

… yat it is appoyntit… and aggreit betuix honorable men the preuost bailzeis counsall and communite of the burgh of Dunde and Andro Barry kirkmaister for ye tyme of ye paroche kirk of our lady of ye samyn on yat ane part, and George Boiss masoun on yat uyer part, in maner… as followis, yat is to say the sadis preuost bai1zeis counsall and communite of ye said burgh with ye said kirk maister for ye tyme has with ye consent… of ye said George Boiss feit and infeft hym for all ye… termis of his liftyme for his daily werk and lawbour of masoun craft, ye best craftiast and of maist ingyne yat he can or ma at ye kirk werk forsaid or commone werkis of ye said burgh, or at ony uyer werkis within ye said burgh yat ye said town plesis best to command hym thairto ony tyme quhen neid beis, to wirk or lawbour at ye command of ye masteris of werkis the town forsaid commandand hym thairto for ye tyme, and that quheneuir he beis requirit… to… exerceiss ye best and maist ingeniouss pointis and practikis of his craft… And he to keip his interes daily and hourly to his lawbour forsaid at the samyn tymis and houris as the ald vss and consuetud of our lady luge of Dunde had and usit befor.

That is to say in somer to inter at fif houris in mornyng and wirk quhill aucht houris befor none, and yane to haf ane half hour to his disiune, and thairefter to wirk quhill half hour to twelf houris and to inter at ane hour efter none and wirk quhill four houris efter none, and yan to haf ane half hour to his none schankis and Syne to wirk quhill sevin houris at ewin, and quhen the day beis schort yat he ma nocht se at fif houris in ye mornyng and at sevin houris at ewyn than he sall inter ilk day also sone as he ma se and wirk als lang as he ma se at ewyn, and to keap tyme of dennar none_and none schankis as is forsaid ilk zer quhill al hallowday, and fra yat day to the purificatione of our lady day next tharefter to haf na tyme of licence of dennar nor none schankis becauss of the schortnes of ye dais, and ye said George sall wirk nane uyer werkis nor lawbouris in tymis of werk dayis but licence of ye maister of werkis he beis vnder for ye tyme, and ye said George sal werk all festual ewinnis that beis fastryn dais quhill four houris efter none, except Zule ewyn Pasch ewyn Witsoun ewyn and ye Assumpcione ewen of our lady, and at thir four evinnis to leiff at xii houris, and all uyeris ewinnis to werk quhill ewyn at ye tymis for expremit.

The said George sall haf zerly for… his liftyme… to his zerly fee the sooum of twenty four pundis usuale money of Scotland to be… pait be us or our maisteris of werkis of our kirk gudis and commoun gudis without fraud or gile ilk half quarter payment befor hand efter the ald uss of our lady luge… Alsua gif it happinis ye said George be chargit or ye town acquestit for hym to the kyngis werkis or to ony uyer lordis or gentilmenis werkis, in yat cace ye said George in his absence fra ye towne werkis forsaidis sall haf na fee of ye town… Alsua gif it happinnis ye said George to tak infirmite or seiknes and lyis thairintill our ye space of fourty dais continualy, in yat cace his fee sall be pait to hym ya fourty dais in tyme of his seiknes and na mair quhill he be at the werk againe. And ye said George sall haf ane prenteiss fra vii zeris to vii zeris, and as ye tyme of ane rinnis furth to tak ane uyer, and ye said prenteiss to be ressavit at the sicht of the maisteris of werkis yat he be nocht ane small child, and he sall mak yaim fre without any fee ye first zer of yair interes, and ilk zer yarefter of ye said vizeris his prentess sall haf ten pundis of fee pait to the said George in the sammyn maner as his awyn fee beis pait…

And gif it happinnis his prentess to tak seikness, in yat cace his prentess sall be ansuerit of his fee as his maister in his Seiknes…

In witness of the quhilkis to ye pairt of yis indentit charter party to remane with ye said preuost bailzeis consall communite and maister of werk the said George has affixit to his seill subscriwit with his hand led at ye pen, and to ye pairt of ye sammyn to remane with ye said George ye commone seill of ye said burgh is appensit zeir day and place forsad befor yir witnes maister Jhone Barry George Rollok Dauid Rollok bailze James Weddirburn zonger maister Jhone Gledstanis Gilbert Rolland Andro Buchan with uyeris diuerss.

George Boiss with my hand let at ye pen"

©Research by Iain D. McIntosh, 2020